July 3, 2016
Distant Objects
Distant Objects
English version is currently unavailable
Tributo a Ed Ruscha
In the mid-1960s, the William L. Pereira and Associates studio of architects designed and built the Los Angeles County Museum. Edward Ruscha, who was interested in architectural motifs, made sketches that then helped him create his painting The Los Angeles County Museum of Art on Fire. According to his own words, Ruscha knew that, “I was going to attack the building in some way”. Endloser Teufels- und Tugendkreis is a new step towards the genesis of the American artist’s work.
The circularity of Endloser Teufels- und Tugendkreis is a progressive and regressive displacement of the principle on which the relationship between creation and the created work and between manufacture and the manufactured work is based; the relationship that connects together object and value. The movement starts with the economic aspect, where the value can be found in the object itself, and moves on to the mercantile aspect, which emphasises the scope, reproduction, quantity and consumption of the object. From there, it moves on to the financial aspect, which inverts the direction of the relationship so that the first element is the value generated by competition between objects in a mercantile context. Contemporary art is part of this trend, albeit with certain peculiarities. It has reached the area of finance, but unlike the stock exchanges, the art exchange is an unregulated market.
The role played by museums in this dimension of contemporary art, in the hands of powerful financial structures, is annihilated and turned into a sellable commercial brand like a franchise in any faraway place of accessible “globally”. For policies on culture and industry, art is an excuse for generating the bureaucratic apparatus of institutions, foundations and associations that act as shippers of labels based on criteria that are more in line with affinities and the exchange of interests than anything else. The value before the object. Profit before substance.
Ruscha attacked the museum by setting fire to it. His explanation was, “what really interested me about the project [the burning museum] was its slanting aerial perspective. It is also important because it reads from the bottom left-hand corner to the top right-hand corner… and, suddenly, there’s that small lateral flame that gives you the sensation that it can enshroud the entire building”. Richard D Marshall interpreted the painter’s attack not as a call to violence, but rather as a formal consideration. Perhaps the way out of this infinite, infernal vicious and at the same time virtuous circle is a violent break away from everyday barbarity.
Propuesta museística – Museo del Montsià, Amposta / Tarragona
“The most controversial painting to be shown in Los Angeles in our time.”
— Ed Ruscha —
Multimedia que reproduce una animación en bucle del museo de arte de Los Angeles (LACMA) inspirado en la obra de Edward Ruscha The Los Angeles County Museum of Art on Fire. El museo va apareciendo desde diferentes perspectivas en una secuencia cíclica y aleatoria. La transición entre las diferentes vistas del museo consiste en un texto formado por un nombre de artista, el título de una de sus obras incluida en la colección permanente del LACMA y el precio estimado de esta obra.
Pintura original de Ed Rucha
Óleo sobre tela 135,9×339,1 cm 1965-66
Formó parte de la exposición Made in Los Angeles celebrada en el Palacio de Velázquez centro asociado al Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía de Madrid. 18 de julio – 30 de septiembre de 2002.
Para instalar la obra se necesitan dos equipos informáticos con las siguientes configuraciones: (Se indican las características para equipos Macintosh y PC. El montaje está concebido y optimizado para ser mostrado en ordenadores Macintosh. En caso de que no que no fuera posible disponer de ellos, se indican las características técnicas con las que deberían contar los equipos PC).
Procesador Core 2 Duo de Intel a 3,33 GHz con 6 MB de caché de nivel 2 compartida. Resolución óptima de visualización 1.920 X 1.080 píxeles a 32 bits. MAC OS 10.5.8 o superior.
Equipos con procesador Intel® Core i5 – 650 3.2GHz, con 4GB memoria. Resolución óptima de visualización 1.920 X 1.080 píxeles a 32 bits. Windows 98 o superior.
Fragmentos de las ilustraciones incluidos en el ejecutable LACMA-02
Fragmento del multimedia incluido en la pieza
La infografía del LACMA, elemento principal del vídeo, plasma dos aspectos de la obra original: las diferentes perspectivas del edificio, elemento fundamental en las obras de Ruscha inspiradas en las arquitecturas de Los Angeles; y el fuego. Endloser Teufels- und Tugendkreis enlaza las vistas del LACMA flamígero y las acompasadas ondulaciones de las llamas con el efecto secular y profano del fuego.
Aplicación desarrollada en ActionScript ECMA4 y compilada para plataformas Windows y Macintosh con Adobe Flash.
Fragmentos de video de la aplicación LACMA-01
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Endloser Teufels